sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017

Departing Cheltenham

Saturday, 4th March 2017

It has been a very rich experience that I would like to repeat without any doubt. It is a pity not to have enough time to prepare activities to use in my lessons. The idea is to create a wiki, step by step...

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

Workshop on CLIL Methodology and Langugage for Secondary Maths and Science with Graham Workman

Friday, 3rd March 2017

All the websites mentioned in the seminar, along with many others not included in the handouts, can be found at           www.grahamworkmansecondary.wikispaces.com

Go to Useful websites where you will find all the links about:
- how to do everything on your computer
- listening
- reading
- vocabulary
-in addition
-useful resources to explore
- create a wiki for each of your classes
- presentation tools

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

Workshop on CLIL Methodology and Language for Secondary Maths and Science with Graham Workman

Thursday, 2nd March 2017
Talking about The Bangalere Project. Prabhu (1982)
Aims: today is the time to study about the Scaffolding to support:
1)      Content obligatory language
2)      Content compatible language
 Handouts about scaffolding language and sentence frames specifically in Maths and Science.
3)      Design : following the  “Template of PowerPoint slides to include in TBL ( tasked based learning) lesson”

All the teachers begun to work in groups or individualy, and this is my first work about systems of linear equations.


miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

Workshop on CLIL with Graham Workman

Wednesday, 1st March 2017

More handouts to work: Pronuntation, Types of questions:  real question, genuinely, display, initiation, referential question using information gaps…